Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Ø Application of registration u/s4 to be made as per the Form ‘A’ prescribed under Rule 3(3) and along with the same declaration has to be filled in Form ‘B’ as per Rule 3(6).
Ø The concept of 70:30 is mentioned in section 4(2)(i)(d).
Ø Registration is guaranteed under section 5.
Ø Registration can be revoked u/s 7.
Registration and obligation of real estate
Ø As per RERA it now mandatory that real estate agents selling the premises in Real estate project have to register u/s9 by complying as per the form ‘G’ prescribed under Rule 11(2)
Ø As per Rule 12(4) the registration shall be valid for period of 5years.
Ø The provision for renewal in respect of Real estate agent should not be done as per Rule 13.
Ø There are various obligation caused on Real estate agent under Rule 14
Ø Revocation of registration of breach of provision mentioned in Rule15.
Ø As per the Rule 16 Real estate agents has to maintain and preserves separate books, accounts, documents. 70% of realization from allottees in a separate bank account
1.    The Act mandates that a promoter shall deposit 70% of the amount realized from the allottees, from time to time, in a separate account to be maintained in a scheduled bank. This is intended to cover the cost of construction and the land cost and the amount deposited shall be used only for the concerned project.
2.    The promoter shall be entitled to withdraw the amounts from the separate account, to cover the cost of the project, in proportion to the percentage of completion of the project. However, such withdrawal can only be made after it is certified by an engineer, an architect and chartered accountant in practice that the withdrawal is in proportion to the percentage of completion of the project
3.    The promoter is also required to get his accounts audited within six months after the end of every financial year by a practicing chartered accountant. , Further, he is required to produce a statement of accounts duly certified and signed by such chartered accountant, and it shall be verified during the audit that (i) the amounts collected for a particular project have been utilised for the project; and (ii) the withdrawal has been in compliance with the proportion to the percentage of completion of the project.
The application for registration must disclose the following information:
Ø Details of the promoter (such as its registered address, type of enterprise such proprietorship, societies, partnership, companies, competent authority)’.
Ø A brief detail of the projects launched by the promoter, in the past five years, whether already completed or being developed, as the case may be, including the current status of the projects, any delay in its completion, details of cases pending, details of type of land and payments pending.
Ø An authenticated copy of the approval and commencement certificate received from the competent authority and where the project is proposed to be developed in phases, an authenticated copy of the approval and commencement certificate of each of such phases.
Ø The sanctioned plan, layout plan and specifications of the project, plan of development works to be executed in the proposed project and the proposed facilities to be provided thereof and the locational details of the project.
Ø Performa of the allotment letter, agreement for sale and conveyance deed proposed to be signed with the allottees.
Ø Number, type and carpet area of the apartments and the number and areas of garages for sale in the project.
Ø The names and addresses of the promoter's real estate agents, if any, and contractors, architects, structural engineers affiliated with the project.
A declaration by the promoter supported by an affidavit stating that:
Ø He has a legal title to the land, free from all encumbrances, and in case there is an encumbrance, then details of such encumbrances on the land including any right, title, interest or name of any party in or over such land along with the details;
Ø The time period within which he undertakes to complete the project or the phase; and
Ø 70% of the amounts realised for the real estate project from the allottees, from time to time, shall be deposited in a separate account to be maintained in a scheduled bank to cover the cost of construction and the land cost and shall be used only for that purpose.
Ø Upon receiving the login id and password Promoter has to create his web page on the website of the authority
Ø To enter all the details of the proceed project on his web page
Ø Once in three months the promoter has to update the data on web page in respect of booking status, approvals, status of the project etc..
Ø Advertising material should reflect should the registration details of the promoter.
Ø Promoter has to abide by all the obligation under section 11(3) at time of time of booking
Ø As per the section 12 promoters will solely responsible for on regards as the advertisement of prospectus.
Ø As per section 13 promoter cannot accept more than 10% of the cost of apartment without executing the contract.(in MOFA it is used to be 20 %)
Ø As per section 15 promoters cannot transfer the Real estate project to the third party without obtaining the consent 2/3rd of the allotters.
Ø  As per section 16 promoters has to insure Real estate projects in respect of land and building and construction of Real Estate project.
Ø As per s.17 promoter has to transfer the title when the norms are fulfilled for its transfer.(this done with help of amendment of land titling bill 2010 which gives the entire mechanism of land titling
The Authority shall in order to facilitate the growth and promotion of a healthy, transparent, efficient and competitive real estate sector make recommendations to the appropriate Government of the competent authority, as the case may be, on,—
(a) protection of interest of the allottees, promoter and real estate agent;
(b) creation of a single window system for ensuring time bound project approvals and clearances for timely completion of the project;
(c) creation of a transparent and robust grievance redressal mechanism against acts of ommission and commission of competent authorities and their officials;
(d) measures to encourage investment in the real estate sector including measures to increase financial assistance to affordable housing segment;
(e) measures to encourage construction of environmentally sustainable and affordable housing, promoting standardisation and use of appropriate construction materials, fixtures, fittings and construction techniques;
(f) measures to encourage grading of projects on various parameters of development including grading of promoters;
 (g) measures to facilitate amicable conciliation of disputes between the promoters and the allottees through dispute settlement forums set up by the consumer or promoter
(h) measures to facilitate digitization of land records and system towards conclusive property titles with title guarantee;
(i) to render advice to the appropriate Government in matters relating to the development of real estate sector;
(j) any other issue that the Authority may think necessary for the promotion of the real estate sector.
No civil court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in respect of any matter which the Authority or the adjudicating officer or the Appellate Tribunal is empowered by or under this Act to determine and no injunction shall be granted by any court or other authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act.
 (1) No court shall take cognizance of any offence punishable under this Act or the rules or regulations made there under save on a complaint in writing made by the Authority or by any officer of the Authority duly authorised by it for this purpose.
(2) No court inferior to that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of the first class shall try any offence punishable under this Act.
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